Sunday, December 17, 2006

Review: The Pursuit of Happyness

Chris Gardner (Will Smith) struggles to support and shelter himself and his son as he pursues an unpaid intership at a brokerage firm.

An inspirational movie with striking performances. Not really much to say since it is based on a true story.

Chris Gardner's son Christopher is played by Will Smith's actual son, Jadon Smith. I also noticed during the opening credits the name Dan Castellaneta, a name I reconized but could not place since there were many actors I recognized in the movie who's names I did not know. Then this evening I randomly visited The Simpsons Movie Yahoo page and it hit me. It's Homer Simpson. He plays the supervisor of the internship program. He also happens to have graduated from my alma mater NIU. You know me and my connections.

My favorite parts of the movie:

the perfomances
randomly reappearing bone density scanners
Christopher's jokes

5 out of 5 stars.

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