Saturday, May 30, 2009

Review: Terminator Salvation

In a time after "Judgement Day" John Conner (Christian Bale) and the resistance are fighting against Skynet to keep the human race alive.

Another great looking movie! The story was ok. I read on the internet that the original script ending had Skynet winning and everyone dying. Ballsy... I might have liked it better that way, but I bet most people wouldn't. In general, the masses enjoy the "good guy" winning.

I am not sure what the point of having Bryce Dallas Howard in the movie as Kate Conner was. Her part was nothing, too bad really. The Arnold "cameo" was dumb, should have left that out too. I've never seen any of the other 3 movies, just bits and pieces of all of them. I knew enough that I wasn't really lost though, and I could pick out the famous lines they utilized from the other movies.

My favorite parts of the movie:

Kyle Reese (Anton Yelchin)
the apocalyptic look

4 out of 5 stars.

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