Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Review: Stardust

Tristan (Charlie Cox) tracks down a star (Claire Daines) to take back to his true love.

Please go see this movie. I had such a good time with this one. I won't say it was absolutely perfect because it did have flaws. The cinematography has it's ups and downs. The story kind of drags at the beginning. Yet, it is such a fun fantasy adventure with multiple story lines, tongue-in-cheek humor, random story deviations, many different kinds of villains... Michelle Pfeiffer is excellent as the evil witch, Lamia.

I haven't ever told you to go see a particular movie before, but this one is so unique. It didn't make much money (by Hollywood standards) in its first weekend. Perhaps that is why they keep giving us crap sequels, Rush Hour 3, Daddy Day Camp. Seriously, support the unique ones.

My favorite parts of the movie...

slaughtered princes
voodoo sword fight
Billy and Bernard
the haircut
the scene where Tristan is a mouse
the guard at the wall
Ricky Gervais as Ferdy

5 out of 5 stars.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Review: The Bourne Ultimatum

Jason Bourne (Matt Damon) is tracking down the beginning of Treadstone and where it all started for him.

Excellent three-quel. Probably the only third movie this summer (and there's been a ton) that really lives up to expectations. Fast paced, action packed. Classic Bourne really.

My favorite parts of the movie:

Finding out his real name
hints from Nicky Parsons
real locales, they actully filmed in all the different locations and there is a lot
the part only Tom and I laughed at, sadly I don't remember what happened, but it must have been sutble becuase in a packed theater we were the only two that laughed ;)

4 out of 5 stars.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

01-18-08 Website

There is now awebsite for the crazy trailer in front of Transformers.
